Civil law
This field includes many topics such as contracts, compensation, civil liability, and personal status such as marriage, divorce, and inheritance.
Civil law is one of the most important fields of law which deals with civil relationships between individuals and legal entities, covering many topics such as contracts, compensations, civil liability, and personal status such as marriage, divorce, and inheritance. Civil law is characterized by determining the rights, duties, and responsibilities between individuals and legal entities, and determining the legal procedures that must be followed in case of disputes or conflicts between the parties involved.
Civil laws aim to regulate civil relationships, protect the rights of individuals and legal entities in society, and determine the legal procedures that must be followed to resolve disputes and conflicts between the parties involved. Civil law deals with civil and material issues and is characterized by complexity, detail, and precision in its details.
The topics of civil law include many important aspects such as commercial and civil contracts, civil compensation, civil liability arising from damages caused by actions, personal status such as marriage, divorce, and inheritance, and many more. Civil laws differ from country to country and are regularly amended and updated to meet the needs and requirements of society.
In conclusion, civil law represents one of the most important fields of law, as it determines civil relationships between individuals and legal entities and aims to regulate and protect the rights and duties of individuals and legal entities in society.