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Speech of Shandawiily Counselor

We provide online legal consultation services as well as in-person visits where our role is to provide legal support to individuals, companies, institutions, and various organizations through a team of qualified and experienced lawyers and legal experts. We offer legal consultations on various topics such as criminal law, civil law, commercial law, contracts, intellectual property, and other legal issues. Our team is characterized by efficiency, experience, and high professionalism, and we strive to provide high-quality consultancy services at reasonable prices for everyone.


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El Shandawiily Law Firm for Legal Consultations

Who are we?

We strive to provide our services in accordance with laws, regulations, and ethical professional standards, and we always aim to achieve the best results for our clients. We understand that the law can be complex and confusing for many, so we make sure to provide appropriate and comprehensive legal advice to our clients and clarify the procedures and options available to them.

Our team is characterized by technical skills and strategic thinking, and they use the latest technologies and tools to reach optimal solutions for our clients. We also carefully listen to our clients’ needs and provide customized solutions to meet those needs.

In general, we aim to provide excellent and integrated legal services to our clients, characterized by transparency, credibility, and our commitment to high ethical and professional values. Legal consultations play a vital role in both commercial and legal communities, and we aim to provide specialized services to individuals and companies in various legal fields, including civil, criminal, commercial, real estate, financial, tax, labor, and more.

Our legal services include providing legal advice and guidance in various legal issues, preparing legal contracts and documents, assisting in arbitration and friendly settlement procedures for disputes, and more. These services are provided by specialized teams of lawyers and legal consultants who possess extensive experience and knowledge in their fields.

We also help clients achieve their business and legal goals, providing effective legal solutions to problems and challenges they face. We are distinguished by our effective ability to deal with complex issues that require deep knowledge of applicable laws and regulations.

In general, our mission is to provide specialized, effective, and reliable legal services to our clients, helping them achieve their business and legal goals, and achieving success and prosperity in their endeavors.

How Can We Help You

Area Of Practice

You can get legal consultations on a wide range of legal topics, including but not limited to


Es bezieht sich auf das Arbeitsverhältnis zwischen Arbeitnehmern und Arbeitgebern sowie die Gesetze und Vorschriften im

Internationales Recht

Dieses Gebiet umfasst eine Vielzahl von Themen wie Völkerrecht, Internationales Privatrecht, Flüchtlingsrechte, Migration und mehr. Internationales


Dieses Gebiet umfasst geistiges Eigentum wie Urheberrechte, Marken und Patente. Geistiges Eigentum ist ein Begriff, der

Strafrecht"Das Strafrecht

Es bezieht sich auf Straftaten, Verbrechen und Strafen, die gegen Kriminelle verhängt werden. Das Strafrecht ist


Das Handelsrecht umfasst viele Themen wie Handelsverträge, Partnerschaften, Unternehmen, E-Commerce und mehr. Das Handelsrecht ist das


Dieses Gebiet umfasst viele Themen wie Verträge, Entschädigung, zivilrechtliche Haftung und persönlichen Status wie Ehe, Scheidung

These are just some examples of legal issues that you can get consultations on. There may be many other topics that you can get legal advice on, which vary depending on the laws and regulations applicable in each country.

Type of consultation: The cost of legal consultations may vary depending on the type of consultation required, as some consultations may require more research and scrutiny. Therefore, the cost of legal consultations varies greatly and may be determined based on the hour of consultation, a package of services, or a fixed pricing for the specific service.